Flavia Kate Peters

The Fairy Seer

The Fairy Seer

Guidance & Readings


Discover what guidance the faeries and nature spirits have for you. Readings often include natural spells, herb and crystal advice to bring about the magic that exists within and around you. Re-awakening your inner mystic.


Flavia Kate tracks into your time-lines to help you to re-discover who you are on a deep soul level, recovering your natural inner power and understanding why you are here, what lessons you are learning this time around and what your true life purpose is.


Dreamer_by_IardacilAn angel reading focuses on what is happening in your life and offers angelic guidance. Flavia-Kate acts as a channel through which the angels communicate their guidance. “During an angel reading session, I connect with your Guardian Angels to listen to what guidance and advice they have for you, for the situation you may be enquirying about, or what is current at the time in your life and relay their messages. Often I am guided to work with the angels or archangels to heal specific areas in one’s life (whether physical, emotional or spiritual), to clear any blocks or issues. All angel messages are compassionate & loving and offer guidance for opportunities to make alterations where needed.”

”Thank You so much for my reading, it was truly accurate and up-lifting.” J.F.

Personal readings with Flavia Kate are by appointment at an investment of £35 for half an hour session, or £60 for one hour session.

Readings and Guidance are personally given by appointment at shows and events around UK and at Arnemetia’s, Market St, Buxton.   To book a session email Flavia Kate at flaviakatepeters@gmail.com.

You will be invited to ask questions on areas of your life that are causing you concern ~ maybe relationship issues, career, health, life purpose etc. You will receive an initial energy angel reading & often followed by some form of angel healing (if guided). The session finishes using Oracle Cards reading to confirm the messages that have already come through, and for any other information which you need to know. Using Oracle Cards clarifies what is current in your life and gives you guidance for opportunities to make alterations, where needed so you can achieve peace as well as your aspirations and dreams.

Email Readings Send your question, date of birth and full birth name to Flavia Kate at flaviakatepeters@gmail.com and receive your detailed guidance for you. Lead times for readings through email will be confirmed with you at time of booking and a PayPal link sent.

All readings are in the strictest confidence. Apologies for the long lead time at the moment. I’m now offering readings for 2023. Blessed be

All the names on this list are those who are fully trained and successfully completed my ANGEL ENERGY PRACTITIONER® CERTIFICATION program, and are certified to provide Angel Readings and Therapies.

For an Angel Energy Practitioner® in your area, check below;

Alice Taylor – Hertfordshire  – Email; allytaylor1000@icloud.com

Vicky Drabble – Chesterfield,Derbyshire – Email; vsaint@aol.com

Reema Findlay – London – Email; reemafindlay@hotmail.com

Nohemi Marchant – London – Email; mercomariposa@gmail.com

Gina Reid – Derbyshire – Email; ginareid16@aol.com

Maria Carr – Buxton, Derbyshire – Email; mariacarr1992@hotmail.co.uk

Michelle Kaye -Huddersfield, Yorkshire – Email; shell.kaye@hotmail.co.uk

Bianca Hilger – Germany – Email; bianca.hilgers@gmx.de

Marianna Kelly – London & Ireland – Email; marianna.kelly@live.co.uk

Abigail Hazel – Macclesfield, Cheshire – Email; abipainting@hotmail.com